Wednesday, October 22, 2014

One Piece spoiler 765

- Title: Minion, the island of destiny. - Doflamingo told Rosinante that some pirates had Ope Ope no Mi and they wanted to trade it with Marine. Doflamingo wanted to get it before that. - Rosinante called Sengoku to inform about it. Sengoku was surprised becouse it was top secret. - Rosinante decided to steal Ope Ope no Mi before trade date and before Doflamingo's plan.​ - Rosinante got Ope Ope no Mi (It's ♡ form) but when he was running away he's captured by the pirates. - No chapter next week. other spoil Corazon heads to the trading location. A huge storm in the area slows them down. Law tells Corazon that the Government knew about the poison, but they let us die for profit. They are responsible for death of his family and his home town. Tell me honestly, if you are a marine on their side... Corazon tells Law that he is not a marine! After stealing Ope Ope we will be enemies of Donquixote family, the Marines, and the World Government. It will not be an easy life! 3 days before the trade, Cora learns from Sengoku. The pirate who has the fruit is Diez Barrel, and their hideout is located on the Minion island. Barrel is a former marine officer. They have the island under watch, and two ships are watching Doflamingo at the Sparrow island as well. They will not allow Dofla to interfere with the trade. Barrel is drinking with his pirate crew, mocking the government for offering so much gold for the fruit. He knows the fruit is legendary for doctors, and any doctor with the power would be highly sought out. But to them only money is worth anything. Cora shows off how his power works to law. Even if he breaks a vase, fires a bazooka, or farts, it's completely silent. Cora uses this power to surprise attack the base. He sneaks in and defeats Barrel, and takes the fruit. As he escapes the hideout, he trips and falls on his back. He is surrounded by pirates... Law suddenly hear gunshots fired, even though it was silent until that point. He is freezing in the snow, and wonders what has happened... end of chapter. Break next issue. One piece spoiler 765 One piece spoil 765 Spoils one piece 765 Date: 23/10/2014 at 9 GMT What is your guess and what do you expect to happen ??

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